Quotes From "The Valley Of Amazement" By Amy Tan

I now lived in an invisible place made of my own dwindling breath, and because no one else could see it, they could not yank me out of it. Amy Tan
Even when I worked in that world, I still wanted love so strong that the man would have no interest in another woman. Maybe you will always be incapable of giving that kind of love. You tell me I want too much. And maybe I do. But like you and your imagination, I can't help but be that way. Amy Tan
Our love would be solace, companionship, and the mending of wounds. Amy Tan
...and it's ridiculous that anyone would praise a child for standing with arms spread out on a wooden cross, as if she were Jesus's dead sister wearing a checkerboard tablecloth. Amy Tan
What happened to Violet was terrible, and I’m not saying fate happens without blame. But when fate turns out well, everyone should forget the bad road that got us here. Amy Tan
...I was like a bird, my wings once carried on a wind of lies. I would beat those wings to stay aloft, and when the wind suddenly died or buffeted me around, I would keep beating those strong wings and fly in my own slice of wind Amy Tan
It felt like all the truth got whitewashed with fake happiness, " she said, "only it was not happy and it was worse than fake. It was dangerous Amy Tan
The best life you can have as you get into old age is good food, good teeth to eat it with, and few worries when you go to bed at night. Amy Tan
Maybe all Americans who suffer from melancholy act as if they have gone mad. But I truly thought he might throw himself in the river, and I don't want his ghost visiting to keep telling me he's sorry. Amy Tan